03 9799 2291 Mon - Fri 8am - 5pm 367-373 S Gippsland Hwy, Dandenong South VIC 3175
Pallet Racking
Specialists Since 1991
Full Service Solutions
Supply, Install and Support
Racking Audits
Racking Inspections


Warehousing is nothing more than the management of space and time. The space management portion, storage, has a cost per month, because there is a monthly cost for warehouse space. The time management component includes labor involved in handling materials as they move in and out of the warehouse. In this post we’ll try and...
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New warehouse or need to upgrade your warehouse storage with more racking? We’ve got you covered across all of Melbourne with quality reliable pallet racking and warehouse storage solutions. With over 25 years experience the team at Absolute Storage offers a full service end to end solution from initial consultation and site survey, to design,...
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Upfront Cost vs Overall Cost of Pallet Racking When deciding on Pallet Racking for your Melbourne Warehouse it is important to remember that upfront cost isn’t the only factor. Often a large expense overlooked is the support you receive / require after the sale has been completed. The installation process going smoothly and more importantly...
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1. Creating a Warehouse Layout Schematic Your new warehouse space is a blank slate for you to fitout according to your specific storage requirements. How will you transform it into a productive workspace? Source: Realty Executives A good warehouse layout always starts with putting it all down on paper first, no matter the size of...
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Pallet Shelving Systems are used to store pallets which are usually accessed by fork Lift trucks or picking cranes. Pallet racks have also become an integral part of warehouse storage ever since standardized pallets have become the prevalent system for storing goods. The quantity and size of pallets, combined with the level of access required will...
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Absolute Storage Systems has won SSI SCHAEFER’s 2017 Distributor of the Year Award. SSI SCHAEFER’s senior management team presented the award to Scott Giles, Absolute Storage Systems CEO at SSI SCHAEFER’s annual Distributor meeting. Absolute Storage have now won this award 7 times.  The annual award recognises the distributor’s excellent sales performance, its promotion of SSI...
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Absolute Storage Systems has won SSI SCHAEFER’s 2017 Distributor of the Year Award. Members of the senior management team presented the award to Scott Giles, Absolute Storage Systems CEO at the annual Distributor meeting held in Sydney. Taking out the award in 2017 means that Absolute Storage have won this award a total of seven...
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Pallet racking beams come in different brands and in various configurations, with a wide range of lengths, dimensions and weight-bearing capabilities, so it’s important to measure the beams correctly, or else you could find yourself with a pallet racking solution, that doesn’t fit your needs. Looking to matching existing beams? If you are looking to...
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If you are located anywhere in Melbourne and are looking for quality used material handling equipment, Absolute Storage can help. Please contact us if you need layout or design help or if you need any equipment for your warehouse. New and Used Pallet Rack and Industrial Shelving for Increased Productivity and Organization of Warehouses and...
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pallet racking melbourne
When it comes to industrial or warehouse storage and shelving people often are unsure about options, sizes, what type is best suited to their product or storage requirements. Here at Absolute Storage we’ve been tailor designing storage solutions for our clients for over 30 years. Read below more information on how we can simplfy your...
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Absolute Storage Introduction

Absolute Storage Systems Pty Ltd is Australia’s leading supplier of innovative storage systems for industrial and commercial businesses. From small office storage cabinets to huge computer-controlled storage and retrieval systems, Absolute Storage Systems has a custom solution for every business need.

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367 – 373 South Gippsland Hwy, Dandenong South. Victoria 3175

Call us  03 9799 2291